Today I came across Liz Krane on Google Plus - the girl that want's to learn everything. She reminded me of a idea for a project I had (that unfortunately never came out of my brain) that basically consists on a study of what is required in order to make Angola a better country. Basic things like education and related project, not tampered statistics generation, etc. If I remember correctly, the idea was to establish a period (maybe 1 year) and break that in parts so I would attack on problem at time so at the end of that period (year) a proper proposal for a better country could be presented. So, of course, like Liz, I don't know everything... no one does. But the beauty of this is exactly to learn and cross reference with other people about a give subject and try to come to practical conclusions. In the process teach other people. ...Maybe I revive this idea. Along others I had when I was younger :) You can get more details on Ms. Krane project in her page .
LEgal pra caramba.. cara! Muito bom a evolução da historia, so que elas sao muito rapidas se puder postar duas ou tres por semana...! Abraço!
ResponderExcluirSeria legal sim uma frequencia maior, mas depende do Rodrigo :)
ResponderExcluirVamos ver o que ele diz...
Se eu terminar de colorir as últimas 3 que eu preparei, dou cartão verde pro Benone e colocamos tira nova no ar de 2 em 2 dias!
ResponderExcluirValeu e obrigado, fico feliz que estão curtindo!