Então... depois de séculos sem usar minha conta de email do Hotmail (a ponto de pensar que ela não existia mais), hoje por algum motivo obscuro resolvi entrar para ver como ela está. E qual foi a minha surpresa ao descobrir que ela ainda existe... hehe, bom... na verdade o hotmail não cancela nenhuma conta, ele deixa suspensa se ficar um bom tempo inativa. Quando o usuário volta a entrar na conta ele reativa a mesma, sendo que como já tem todos os dados da conta armazenados no bd, não precisa voltar preencher todos aqueles formulários chatos isso é legal. E ainda por cima, agora a minha caixa tem 2GB de espaço :D.kwel
Today I came across Liz Krane on Google Plus - the girl that want's to learn everything. She reminded me of a idea for a project I had (that unfortunately never came out of my brain) that basically consists on a study of what is required in order to make Angola a better country. Basic things like education and related project, not tampered statistics generation, etc. If I remember correctly, the idea was to establish a period (maybe 1 year) and break that in parts so I would attack on problem at time so at the end of that period (year) a proper proposal for a better country could be presented. So, of course, like Liz, I don't know everything... no one does. But the beauty of this is exactly to learn and cross reference with other people about a give subject and try to come to practical conclusions. In the process teach other people. ...Maybe I revive this idea. Along others I had when I was younger :) You can get more details on Ms. Krane project in...
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